How much does it cost to buy a sewer camera?

You really need to study the market and determine what sewer camera is most beneficial to your line of works as a plumber. We have a variety of sewer cameras which start at basic and work their way into the innovative ranges.

Basic Sewer Camera

Our Mini Drain Eye. This sewer camera is valued at $4250.00 and is great for your residential sewer and storm water lines. It is equipped with 40m of 6.8m cable and has a self-levelling 21mm camera head. Great first purchase for a plumbing company just starting out! Basic sewer camera, but great benefits. 512hz Sonde is built in the spring of the camera head, so locating services are applicable with this drain camera. Therefore, you are able to locate the damage, use a Jetter to clear the blockage and/or recommend alternative solutions.

Our own brand of Sewer Camera

We import these sewer cameras specifically for our company and warrant its great design, versatility, and durability. It’s rigid and can capture both big and smaller pipes.

Drain Eye 28mm Sewer Camera

This drain camera is equipped with 60m of 6.8mm cable, 7inch monitor and a 28mm self-levelling camera head. You can also purchase the 38mm self-levelling camera head. Its compact design makes it super easy to move around from job to job and easy to store in a vehicle. The price of this sewer camera is $5500.00. 512hz Sonde is built in the spring of the camera head, so locating services are applicable with this drain camera. Therefore, you are able to locate the damage, use a Jetter to clear the blockage and/or recommend alternative solutions.

Drain Eye 38mm Sewer Camera with DVR Box

This drain camera is equipped with 60m of 6.8mm cable, 10inch monitor in a DVR box and a 38mm self-levelling camera head. Great for the bigger pipes! The DVR box is water resistant when closed, which is super hand in those certain weather conditions. A 28mm self-levelling camera head can also be purchased as well as an 15inch monitor upgrade for an extra cost. This sewer camera is made tough and can be thrown down most pipe sizes. This drain camera costs $6000.00. 512hz Sonde is built in the spring of the camera head, so locating services are applicable with this drain camera. Therefore, you are able to locate the damage, use a Jetter to clear the blockage and/or recommend alternative solutions.

Elite and Exclusive Range of Sewer Cameras

Hathorn Drain Camera Range are imported from America and are built with the highest quality material and is advertised as our elite range of drain cameras. It’s built with WIFI, 60m of 10mm premium cable and a 36mm self-levelling camera head. The Hathorn M7 Dura Cam Drain Camera costs $11,500. The Hathorn H12 Dura Cam Drain Camera costs $13,000. 512hz Sonde is built in the spring of the camera head, so locating services are applicable with this drain camera. Therefore, you are able to locate the damage, use a Jetter to clear the blockage and/or recommend alternative solutions.

All these sewer cameras, drain cameras, CCTV,  Jetters, Water Jetters, Pressure Cleaners are all available for you in our store at Castle Hill, NSW. We offer express delivery and demonstrations on all drain cameras, jetter, jetters, Pressure Cleaners all over Australia. That is, Melbourne, Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia and Tasmania.

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